Nov 27, 2008

The Written Room

Yes, I did this to my room! It forms part of the music packaging of Jules and the Fools, as you will soon see.

Nov 21, 2008

Music Packaging: Jules and the Fools: Band Photos

I created a CD and DVD case for my friend Julia Jakobsen's band Jules and the Fools. These are some of the photos featured but I will put up packshots soon so look out for them, and hopefully the music video! What a lot of work but luckily the band was great to work with and always on time.

Nov 3, 2008

Type animation

This stop frame animation was a tight squeeze for two weeks but taught me so much! It's based on an ISTD brief, and deals with the concept that not matter how much you control your surroundings, it does not mean that you are in control of your life... a lesson that both Mr. Banks and Harold needed to learn.

Nov 2, 2008

Oceanic storm

I will fight wind. I will fight rain. I will fight foam, ice cold water and ear aches from the depths of hell... for I am ....THE PHOTOGRAPHER. Ok honestly, it wasn't that bad - if you leave out the part where I forgot my CF card and ended up borrowing a camera... what a ditz!